
NHL Todays Plays

Hey everyone,
I just want to say happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope everyone has a safe and fun day and enjoys being with family.

The Penguins bit us again last night. Not only getting shut out but holding the Rags to 1 goal. I’m hoping everyone wasn’t turned off and jumped on the Seattle game in full. Every single other play besides the rangers game won so I hope everyone had a monster night.

I will be back next week. I really hope these past two weeks have been profitable for everyone and I know we’ve had some pretty big days in there. You all have been so supportive and I’m hoping you all love this place enough to stick around. MLB will be back before you know it, hockey is only a month and a half in, and I have a lot of plans for NFL. Now that I am fully here and on my own with Gameflows, I will be making this place everything I’ve wanted it to be.

I’d really love for everyone to sign up for the year. I set up a discount code THANKSGIVING to give $200 off the pre discounted price. I also want to get merch out to everyone so anyone who signs up for the yearly today or tomorrow, as well as those of you who will be renewing for the year will get a free shirt. I’ll put some options out to choose from this week. This place is a family and I expect us all to be together and succeed for a long time so please, sign up for the year and be a part of what I envision this place being.

– Ghost @everyone

Author: Nightghost

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