
Today’s Pregame Plays 3/24

Good Morning Everyone,

It’s been a great week/month and am looking to keep it rolling today. I am actively trying to solve the live play issue so hopefully this is the solution. Yes there are people who are no longer members, one at their constant request, the other because I do not forget the shit that gets talked in other places. People who talk shit behind another paywall are not welcomed when they can get a free week so bandy can piss off. I understand more than anyone what our cold streak was like and the toll it took on everyone, but at the end of the day this is still a business and a significant part of my livelihood over these past five years and no one person is above the reputation of this place. I am doing my best to balance this and my personal stuff going on and hopefully have improved the live play availability and your happiness. This place is supposed to be a place where everyone feels welcomed and can work together to have the most success they’ve experienced. Just because I am not available to be certain places does not give others the right to bad mouth or diminish the culture of why we built this place. If anyone ever has any questions there are customer service forms you can fill out that I see directly and mods/admins who can help clear up any confusion/questions you may have. College Bball is rolling, and if you all remember, the reason why I push yearly is because when one sport is having a tough stretch the others are here to pick it up. Hockey is back on track, college is rolling, and MLB starts in four days. What does “unit counting” do for anyone at the end of the day? I know who’s been here from the start and who’s supported this place and I’ve given every sub in here close to a year’s worth of free time. Let me know any other place who doesn’t charge and gives free months when they aren’t performing well. If that is not good enough for your membership then you have the option to not return when your sub is up, yes this is directed at you butters but you know I love you. We are finally back on track and moving forward and hitting incredibly so let’s try not to disrupt that flow because certain plays may not be available to certain individuals. What you can and should do though is reach out through support or the mod/admin and say, “hey, I know ghost is rolling with player props but my state doesn’t allow them on college, where would he recommend I divert those units” and then I can recommend you playing more on a spread or total since all of those are hitting even better. Of the 12 plays that were posted that day four of them were props and eight were totals/spreads and there were complains. There have also been multiple live plays which everyone has asked for that hit and swept and certain people still aren’t happy. I will do anything and everything I can to help you all win the most money possible and succeed and learn as best I can but complaining instead of asking for recommendations/advice does nothing but knock me off the zone I get in. Today’s plays are below and I will be updating NCAA throughout the day. Let’s have another solid day and lets keep rolling. There are 30 new people in here today so let’s show them what this place is really like and get them to sign up for the promo. The more people who join means the more time and upgrades I can make to the site for everyone else’s benefit.

Let’s do this today <3



  • 2:08pm Colorado TT over 3.5 -135: 2u
  • 5:08pm NJD/NYI over 5.5 -165: 2u
  • 8:08pm Dallas Team Total over 3.5 -125: 3u
  • 8:38pm Tampa Bay TT over 3.5 -155: 5u


12:10pm Colorado/Marquette

    • over 147.5 -155: 3u
Author: Nightghost

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