
Tuesday NHL/MLB Pregame Plays 4/2- 10u play warning

Tomorrow is going to be a light volume heavy risk day. We had a monster month and today was a good start to April. I know the Braves 1.5 spread was void but I’d like to know everyone’s experience with the team total based on the book you use.

I’m posting plays now and sitting back and watching tomorrow as a fan. I’m using our recent run to go very big tomorrow and sneak out a monster hit. If you are not on board with that please lower it to 5 or 3u. I love this play and sometimes you need to take a step back to keep the focus and I’d like to do that tomorrow with how well we’ve been doing. Tomorrow is an all or nothing day and then I’ll be back with the articles and breakdowns Wednesday.

Official Plays:


  • 7:07pm Penguins/Devils over 5.5 -160: 3u


  • 6:50pm Texas Ramgers team total over 3.5 -120: 10u
  • 7:40pm Atlanta -1.5 -155: 2u
  • 7:40pm Atlanta team total over 4.5 -175: 3u

Goodnight, see you all Wednesday.

Author: Nightghost

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