
All-Star game Notes & Update

Hey Everyone,

There’s no denying that things have stayed rough, and going 0-5 in the past two days leading up to the All-Star break was worst case scenario. Let’s just lay it all on the table here. I have expressed time and time again how grateful and appreciative I am to have all of you here, and I have not lived up to my end of the bargain. I delayed subscriptions another week for everyone so no one will be charged. I want to discuss what has gone on, what to expect, and how we will rebound. Yesterday was our last day before the All-Star Break and we have a break until Monday. Monday is a two game slate and we need to take it light. The Rangers play the Avs and the Leafs play the Isles so we will use Monday to roll into Tuesday’s big slate. I’m going to speak candidly in what I think is going on and why I am struggling with my plays and allow you all to assess and give commentary on it.

We’re all human and we all have personal lives that affect us one way or another. As mentioned my personal life has been turned upside down over these past few months but there is light at the end of the tunnel. With that being said, my ability to “bet,” “gamble,” “wager,” has been affected. How has it been affected? I’ve lost the connection between my analysis and turning them into betting plays. When we go back and look at the articles and breakdowns, the expectations for each matchup has been very on point. When we look at the plays I’ve taken from those breakdowns, it has been atrocious. I have struggled to make plays based on my analysis and have been making plays based on “betting” and the long term expectation of those matchups. I need to get back to trusting myself and expectations of outcomes and worry less about the gambling aspect of it. This break will help do so. I am essentially trying too hard and being down as much as we’ve been these past two months have added to that. My ability to analyze games and assess where the edges are is still there. Having the balls to take the Seattle team total under against San Jose instead of the over has been put in the backseat and why we are struggling. I am playing too much what is supposed to happen and what should happen and not what I think truly will happen. That’s what happens when you push forward for too many days in a row and don’t take a legitimate mental break. 

With the All-Star game coming up, we will be able to have some fun and gamble on some 3 on 3 hockey while hoping to hit another long shot MVP bet like we did with Matty Tkachuk last season +2000. After that, we’ll take a light night Monday, and then Tuesday we will be back with article breakdowns and the google sheet. I will write an explanation article on how to use the google sheet for anyone that doesn’t understand it fully and how to use it for Alt-line parlays. We have a road ahead of us, but I promise we will get through it and I cannot stress enough how sticking around for baseball will matter. We will get through this, and this will turn, and we all will be back in full force. Let’s take now through Monday to have some fun, take a step back, and come back ready and able to do some damage… I am leaving comments on for this article. Please make sure they are constructive. I will put out some content if it is wanted on some trade deadline breakdowns, needs, wants, etc. Prop shop tools are being updated for NFL and MLB, and I am building all the data sheets for NHL and then MLB I use when looking into plays. I want everyone here to have all the data and tools they could ever want and need to build their plays and DFS lineups so please tell me what you want. Your sub includes EVERYTHING I can provide for all of you. 

Author: Nightghost

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