
Friday Notes

Good Morning,

I know we’re all sick over the end of that Canucks game last night. It was absolutely sickening not getting the push. Was just as frustrating seeing Toronto, Tampa Bay, and Florida all hit. I may have done a little too much over thinking. Even though we didn’t profit big last night, I feel very confident that the tide has turned and we are back on track and will have consecutive winning days and weeks like we’re used to going forward. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments about last nights article, the recent plays, if you made any plays yourselves, or if you hit Crosby props. I won’t be playing tonight with there only being one game on the slate and a full slate tomorrow.

I’m doing a lot to bolster the website and your experience using gameflows as I’ve mentioned in the past, so it will be very helpful for me if all of you can fill out this survey while you’re here:

I will work to get tomorrow’s article out late tonight so everyone has it in the morning.

Author: Nightghost

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